Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Protest In Birmingham - Lets end the Muslim Ban!

As you already know, The recently elected president of the United States Donald Trump has issued a blanket ban on immigration to the United States from Muslim majority countries. Over a million UK residents have signed a petition (both on-line and in person) which states that until the ban is lifted Theresa May should postpone her invitation to allow Donald Trump to visit our country. This was supported by protests across the country, where thousands of people took to the streets to demand that their council members and MP's consider this plan. I was one of them. I hastily wrote up a sign with black marker pen on the back of a Nike shoebox with the message
"When things seem the most hopeless and dark, we're being tested to see if we will give up on the world and each other, Be strong - Andrew W.K"

On the back of this piece of cardboard I wrote "inspiring message on other side". Over 1200 protesters were expected to partake in this demonstration and the number was exceeded. Many speakers represented many different groups. The speakers came from groups such as Greenpeace, teachers union's, LGBT groups, anti austerity groups, refugee support groups and an amusing and inspiring poem from a local punk poet. There was much chanting amongst the waving of home-made signs, such as 'dump trump!', ' say it loud and say it clear, refugees are welcome here!'. We also cheered the message that refugees should not be blamed for the government's privatisation of the NHS . While the banning of Donald Trump is currently set to be debated in parliament, the other main goal of these protests is to spread love, to make racism scared and to encourage everybody to join groups and support their causes. I live streamed a lot of it via Facebook and attracted some attention. Which made the freezing hands and complication of holding a sign at the same time worth it. Many friendly faces of all races, colours and nationality were present and ultimately the event was as much fun as the circumstances would allow. I felt better afterwards, but I AND YOU can do more.
This Saturday once again thousands will march on downing street, and those who cannot can join another protest in Birmingham by Waterstones. You can write to your MP, and at the very least sign the many petitions yourself. We must draw the line here, remember our past and say Never Again.
Tell the President we ain't forgot, Tell the Prime Minister we still remember.

Watch the Video here.

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