Two days after leaving The Lunar Festival I was already going to another show. This was my 4th time seeing ALLUSONDRUGS and second seeing Fizzy Blood. The atmosphere was a tad different to the last few days, with less dancing about fields and more standing still and occasionally clapping. The first bunch on were Wolverhampton bunch
Dearist (6/10) who impressed me with their mix gentle guitar melodies, angsty vocals and big overall sound, and reminded me more of the slightly more mature end of emo, such as Taking Back Sunday or Brand New. They've got an entire album on-line for free to check out on their bandcamp and I suggest you do.
Layover (6.4) are one of the best local pop punk bands that I've seen lately (and I've seen far too many pop punk bands lately). They've got a good singer in Luke Rainsford (also a solo singer-songwriter), who in-between songs is a funny, smart self deprecating joker, and during songs a jumping, shouting ball of angst. Frankly if you've seen any pop-punk band ever you'll know what to expect. Beat Town Grime-Metal

Crime and Punishment 2011 (7.2) actually had some fans come down to see them. They even had an encore request for their cover of Shutdown, which they didn't do but to be fair Dan was dropping Skepta bars throughout their set. The set was mostly new tunes from the 'Null EP' and the slightly nervous crowd filled a big circle around the edge of the room. So they had to keep reminding everyone that they're all friendly really. As usual Joey screamed a lot and Dan and Glitch shared bars. C+p's beatman Jason showed off his new lounge lothario look, while also screaming. The beats of 'Paralysed' shook Fizzy Blood's merch off the wall. While 'Storms' bummed everyone out a bit.

It's been about 3 years since I last saw
Fizzy Blood (7.2), Since then they've got a new bassist (whose got some epic bass face) and they seem to have dropped their math rock-ish roots for a much more direct rock n' roll sound. The set was also full of northern humour, with jokes about Birmingham 'I went to a spice themed party in Birmingham, I got there and everyone was dressed as an astronaut' and banter about the headliners, with their singer saying he's glad to not be headlining after seeing what ALLUSONDRUGS singer Jason does to his mics.

It was nice seeing
ALLUSONDRUGS (8) back to their rowdy selves after cleaning up for the Throwdown tour, they still managed to not fall over for the whole set though. Strangely enough the crowd didn't erupt into a frenzy of moshing, but the highlight was getting to hear a whole bunch of new songs, which hopefully means that début album is around the corner. Of the newbies 'Sleep Machine' was a gentle shoegazey ballard, which is one of the most delicate and graceful songs they've done yet. 'Hang' was similar and full of chiming grungy guitar melodies. While 'Good People is blatantly 'about being horny', and is the funkiest, sleaziest tune they've done yet. These new tunes, alongside other newbies 'Sister' (which is about being good to people) and 'Stir are some of the best tunes they've ever written. Jason is still the class clown, wearing a blouse, giving his microphone a blowjob and getting everyone to sing bassist Jamal, a happy birthday (it wasn't his birthday). At one point he gobbed on the ceiling, and everyone in the room looked up and wondered when it'd drop down, disgustingly it lasted the whole show.
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