Considering the utterly horrible weather, going out and seeing two gigs in the space of one week in January 2016 feels like an achievement. The gig I went to on Saturday was put on by Birmingham promoters, was only £5 and only had two bands on the bill. Due to a pub session over running I only managed to catch the last half of
The Wrecks set. The Wrecks were a bit of an odd support choice for the Electronica of Field Harmonics. The lads from assorted Midlands towns (lets just say Shrewsbury) describe themselves as such: "From the scrapheap of decades of boy bands emerges The Wrecks, a four college lad combo where the only thing fresher than th
sound is the smell of their deodorant. Capable, competent, and complete
in their covers of contemporary sounds which are merged effortlessly
with their home-grown 'wreck n roll'". If that makes no sense to you either then I'll simplify it. The Wrecks evoke the same young, horny and surprisingly talented, indie spirit as those beloved early Arctic Monkeys recordings. They're hardly original but they're pretty good.

Despite the gloominess outside a decent little crowd had assembled for Field Harmonics. Who came along with three tables covered in wires, synths, and various techy stuff. Their music is reminiscent of 80s pop, such as Eurythmics and The Human League but the sound has been given a very modern twist. Much in the style of Chvrches or Grimes. The bass once all the equipment had been plugged in made the room throb and shake. The two of them both sing but also bury their vocals low in the mix while singing on top of pre-recorded vocals. The beats and the synths cut deep and go straight through you. They are only a duo but by using pre recorded tracks they create a huge wall of sound, full of depth and little melodies. After a while it all starts to evoke a trance like sensation. The songs all bode well for the upcoming album (out in March). Overall it was a short but really enjoyable set, and by the end of it even the mate I'd dragged along admitted that he'd enjoyed it.
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