I imagine your editor writes all the positive messages about NME's new direction through gritted teeth. The on-line crowd of (lets face it, not very open minded) readers, which have been split between those who were tired of seeing Noel on the cover, and those (like me) who bought the rag to see new bands, featured and on the cover. This bunch have been angrily writing about NME's downfall for years, but in my mind 2013 was NME's golden year, it was a great year for music. Those issues celebrated the birth of new scenes with infectious excitement and in-depth knowledge. It's strange to think of how great the magazine still was only 6 months ago. To see the NME go from that to this is downright depressing. The new issues are in no way bad. The writing is more or less the same. But your target audience seems to be 18-25 year old's with ADD and little interest in the variety of new subjects that you cover. Or just anyone who can be bothered to pick it up
I have no problem with articles on film, politics, and style, but as a music obsessive, music needs to be the focus. I'm happy to see Peter Robinson back, that the adverts and features are kept separate. That upcoming artists are given a shout, and that some features have remained. However some things need addressing.
- I really don't like your new columnist, she's the sort of kale eating narcissist that obviously sees feminism as a hashtag rather than the political/social movement that the suffragettes founded. Rather than replacing her, give us a new columnist each week. Anthony Fantano and Joel Friemark would both be perfect.
- Stop recommending gigs that have sold out, it's very annoying. Bring back live reviews
- More album reviews, more new music features
- Bring back the crossword, and (once the hype wears off) letters page
- Cover stars and non cover stars get equal amounts of space
- Your new app is probably great, make one for windows
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