Now that I've checked my face book outbox one of them has sent me an exclusive listen of their new single, which is out tomorrow (or most likely out now, by the time you read this). It's called 'Our Sands' or (Our Sands Master, on my iTunes).
So what it sound like?
Well it begins rather slowly, with some nice gentle guitar melodies, the singer, sings the opening lines in a deep, but not too deep voice. It then kicks in and instantly reminds me of Interpol, or to be more accurate the underrated and now sadly defunct Oxford band 'The Scholars'. The drums roll, guitars play off each other, and it all sounds pretty accomplished and well produced for a young band. They've mastered the Loud/Quiet dynamic very well. Overall if you are already aware of Only Shadows and like them then you'll like this, if you haven't this will be a nice song to get you into them.
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