One of my very first blogs was about Soldier, in fact thety were a great influence on the B-Town Blog, After seeing the hype around Peace and the like thinking back to seeing Soldier support MONA the year before made me think about the bands I knew of that were not getting the same hype. Now, Two years later Soldier are back but with a few changes. Staying true to their name the band have persevered, while 2013 should have been a breakout year for them, they seemed to hit a few setbacks. I was a little sad at first to hear that their old singer had left the band. After all he was my Aunts, Boyfriends, mate as well as being a nice guy and a great front man. Happily though the new guy is every bit as good, with a bit less playing at being a rock star and more of a down to earth presence on stage. He comes across as a bit tougher, more Liam Fray than Liam Gallagher if you get what I mean.

The old songs all sound as brilliant as ever, with 'We Love you' and broken Bones proving highlights.
Soldier stand out a lot amongst the B-Town types, they are great musicians, the guy on guitar in particular. unlike the B-town bands their music is more in the vein of Oasis than Wavves. This is music for the 9-5ers rather than the students. Unfortunately for them there was a bit of a gap between the stage and the audience, in fact they thanked me for standing at the front. I'm sure everyone else who was there will agree with me that this was a great set. And I'm happy that a band I've always had high hopes for are still brilliant
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