I remember In Trent's interview with Zane Lowe last year he spoke about how the new shows were inspired by the Talking Heads concert film 'Stop Making Sense. I could see the similarities right from the beginning. Much like the film things started small, with Trent playing 'Me I'm Not' in front of the floodlit blue stage, swaying back and forth while screaming out the lyrics. From here it only got bigger and bolder, rather than the usual video screens, NIN used projections, curtains and rotating lights. Due to the abundance of red and blue lights in places it really felt as if I was watching the whole thing in 3D.
A lot of the material was from latter period NIN, including 5 songs from 'year zero'. An album which is arguably Reznor's true masterpiece, while it lacks the emotional power of his earlier material, few albums managed to capture the mood of the mid 00's as well as he did on that record.
Trent kept audience interaction to a minimum, not saying an awful lot because he didn't really have to, apart from a gripe about 'playing those fucking festivals'.
Despite being treated to one of the most amazing visual spectacles I've ever witnessed, it almost felt as if he was testing us. As if seeing us go crazy for the lesser known tracks and fan favourites would mean we'd go mental for the classics. So imagine my joy when hearing the double whammy of 'The hand that feeds' and 'Head like a Hole'.
Following that double whammy, the stage went black and a massive NIN logo appeared on the screen, this 'encore' lead to the performance of 'Hurt'. Everyone in this massive room knew every single word to this incredible song. and everybody sung in unison. Hurt is one of the greatest songs ever written and it was awe-inspiring being able to hear it in all it's glory.
and to the girl I met at this show, I'm very glad I've met you, fancy getting a coffee?
*though those drum machines and synths are a big part of why I love that Album.
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