Next up was Women. Not actual Women but three guys from Wolverhampton looking a bit like Black Rebel Motorcycle Club playing doomy stoner rock on MASSIVE Marshall Amps. It was about 5 minutes before i had any idea of what they were about as they spent ages jamming, building up the tension before playing any songs. When they did sing it was just vowels. The music they make is full of big riffs, and the tempo was very slow. The singers vocals were low in the mix while it was the drummer who did all the screaming. The name is obviously ironic but i feel that Monster would be a much better name for this band. They aren't huge on showmanship, they just let the music do the talking. Each track just went into one long groove after another. After a while it was hard not be headbanging a little. The songs are all short but seem to go on for ages, with riff after riff after riff. Theres no bass either, just solid, distorted guitar riffs. This is real heavy shit. I'd recommend them to any fans of Black Sabbath, Uncle Acid, or Kyuss
By the end of this set my ears felt like they were underwater, though I'd only noticed this after they'd finished playing.
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