Tuesday, October 25, 2022


Many years ago when I was trying to figure out how to transition this blog into a career as a music journalist I went to a Q+A with some big industry names. When i asked the online media specialist of the group about my blog and how to take it to the next level he bluntly told me that the age of the blog was dead. Ouch. nethertheless i kept it going for a few more years. This blog gave me an excuse to go out and meet people, to make friends and hopefully a romantic partner. So despite some of the cringe I may have typed here I am still very attached to this blog as a little time capsule of me and my early 20's. I am now an enaged home owner and proud Bi-sexual. Three things I never dreamed I'd be when I first started this blog. In 2020 I was put on furlough and eventually lost my job. This gave me much more free time and the need for an outlet but with fewer albums being released and no gigs to go to I left this blog to die a natural death. 
Fast forward two years later and I have moved onto podcasting, much like everybody else in the world.  I guess that man all those years ago was right. I mean he was an expert after all. My new venture is a mental health themed music podcast called Pure Mood. Started by my friend Jason (whose old band is featured much throughout these entries), and aided by Jade. We have so far put out an episode with Heriot. We have an interview with Kid Kapici coming out this Friday and much more in the pipeline. 
You can keep track of it all at 
If you are by chance interested in collaborating with us then you can contact me at james@puremood.co.uk