Of all the bands I have seen in 2016, the one which seems the most obvious shoo-in for 2017 success is Nova Twins. A trio who recently played the Afro-punk festival in London. Which seems an apt description of the bands sound. Which is a bass-guitar heavy mix of fast raps and punk attitude. They lie somewhere between the current revival's of both punk and grime. They seem like the perfect band for the times we live in. http://novatwinsmusic.tumblr.com/
Injury Reserve
Do you ever listen to a band and wonder how are these guy's not huge? Injury Reserve are the upstarts that US Hip-Hop desperately needs right now. In some ways they resemble the Native Tongues movement in New York during the late 80's and early 90's where De La Soul, a tribe Called Quest and The Jungle Brothers put their own unique spin on the sounds of the time. IJ's new free album 'FLOSS' continues the dental theme of their début and with it the witty self depreciating lyrics and elements of trap and 'jazz-rap'. The imaginative production and BARS! put the current crop of mumble rappers and their producers to shame. With tunes such as 'Oh Shit! and 'All this Money' surely they should be huge soon? http://floss.digital/
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
They may have graced this list before and already have a big cult following, but they are on this list because they are amazing live and because they will release FIVE albums next year. All of them will be great.
Levelz are a commune of MC's and producers from Manchester. Grime from anywhere but London can get a bit ignored, which is a shame as their début mixtape LVL11 is one of the most exciting new projects to hit the scene in a long time. Mixing humour, politics, Ska, Garage, D&B, a load of skunk and thick manc accents into an exhilarating whole. http://levelzmcr.bandcamp.com/
Raised By Owls
If you love Grindcore but also don't take your self seriously, then Raised By Owls will be your new favourite band. Their début EP 'The Great British Grind Off' is a crash course in everything that makes our country great. Mary Berry, Cliff Richard, Bruce Forsythe, Sunday Roasts, Harry Potter and much much more are celebrated via the medium of ear destroying-ly noisy Grindcore.
It's no secret that I am a big fan of Crywank, and the reaction I get when I tell people that my favourite band is called Crywank. James and Dan have been living a nomadic life, recording hundreds of demo's and touring up and down the country. They've built up a cult following, while their last album was the 2nd best of 2016 (on my list anyway). 'Don't piss on me I'm already dead' is a huge step up from the bands lo-fi acoustic sound. Mixing punk rock with sad folk and painfully honest lyrics. 2017 is likely to see more material and more gigs following it up. Crywank's cult following is sure to keep growing.