In case you have never seen Motorhead before (and bear in mind I was one of the few at this shop who hadn't) let me try and desrcribe it for you. The first thing that hit me was the drumming of 'The best drummer in the world'*, Mikky Dee. I am used to the soft, pounding bass of hip hop or dance music played loudly at clubs but this was nothing like that. Mikky's drumming goes straight through you, smashing all of your internal organs along the way. Then of course there's Ian 'Lemmy' Kilmister, pretty much the physical embodiment of rock and roll if there ever was one. Lemmy was on typically grumpy form at this show. Taking a drink and hearing a cheer from the crowd he replied, 'Fucking mineral water, who needs it?... I do'. Cheerfully making light of his recent health troubles, he seemed ok to me though. Having said that I was one half of an arena away from him, so I can't really judge.
and later on asking the audience if they had bought Motorhead's last album 'Aftershock' upon hearing our cheers, accused us all of lying, 'you all downloaded it didn't you'.
As the Damned pointed out 'Lemmy is a grumpy old bastard but we love him. and of course everyone there at the NIA that night does too.

And last but not least is Phil Campbell, the hugely underrated guitar hero. He made the whole thing look pretty easy. His solo's while surrounded by green lights were incredible. He seemed so nonplussed about the whole thing, no rock star posturing, just loads of riffs and solo's. In general the setlist was an even mix of Motorhead classics and fan favourites. Early highlights included 'Stay Clean' 'No Class' and 'Metropolis'. 'Dr Rock' from Orgasmatron got a cheer but unfortunately was blighted by technical difficulties. They had to leave the stage for a few minutes while a few thousand metal heads wondered what the fuck was going on, a few minutes later though it was back to normal. Mikky Dee put in an incredible drum solo, and the band went straight into a surf rock pastiche called 'Going to Brazil', which I absolutely loved.
'Fast' Eddie Clark |
Just when this was starting to look like another day at the office for Motorhead, something truly special happened, Lemmy announced that Phil Taylor and Eddie Clark were taking to the stage. 'Is that Phils' dad? wondered one fan out aloud. While Phil didn't play a note Eddie flawlessly played on 'Ace Of Spades'. While the new Motorhead finished on one of my favourites 'Overkill'. My only real disappointments are that nothing from their first album got aired and that my hearing was intact afterwards.